Monday, March 16, 2009


Max Payne Noir Undercity -Chapter 1 is finished.

Here are the sources:
Feel free to rate the movie on the streaming and download sources.

#Edit: I had requests for the song I produced for my own for this movie (the disco scene song). Unfortunately it's not available in a finished version but nevertherless some of you might be interested in a download source. It's released und GNU-licence :)

List of reviews to Max Payne Noir Undercity

Ahearn on (no direct link so I had to copy this one)
'I am speechless. After watching the prologue back in October, I knew this series would be special but nothing like this. The time, effort, and experience that went into making this movie was impressive. It was like watching a movie or playing a game that had been done by professional game developers. The original soundtrack from Max Payne, mixed with adrenaline rushing action scenes, and a break dancing orc, this movie is definitely a must see. Keep a look out for the next installment from Varath.'

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's coming to an end

Yes it is!

I'm going to finish the first part of my Max Payne series this month. Plenty of rendering hours lying behind me and I'm really glad that it's almost done.

At the moment I'm working on the last 5 minutes of about 25 minutes total length. I'm really really looking forward to the release and the reaction of the people. I don't know if they will hate it or like it. But there's one thing I can say for sure: this movie is something special, by one means or another :)

Some last screenshots.