Max Payne Noir Undercity -Chapter 1 is finished.
Here are the sources:
Feel free to rate the movie on the streaming and download sources.
#Edit: I had requests for the song I produced for my own for this movie (the disco scene song). Unfortunately it's not available in a finished version but nevertherless some of you might be interested in a download source. It's released und GNU-licence :)
List of reviews to Max Payne Noir Undercity
Ahearn on (no direct link so I had to copy this one)
'I am speechless. After watching the prologue back in October, I knew this series would be special but nothing like this. The time, effort, and experience that went into making this movie was impressive. It was like watching a movie or playing a game that had been done by professional game developers. The original soundtrack from Max Payne, mixed with adrenaline rushing action scenes, and a break dancing orc, this movie is definitely a must see. Keep a look out for the next installment from Varath.'